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Deutsches Museum (Hrsg.)

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Air and Space

The Flugwerft Schleissheim, whose historical buildings date back to the First World War, has been a branch of the Deutsches Museum since 1992. It has a number of exhibits tracing the development of aviation and complements the long-standing aviation air and space exhibition of the Deutsches Museum on the "museum island" in Munich  The Flugwerft Schleissheim, whose historical buildings date back to the First World War, has been a branch of the Deutsches Museum since 1992. It has a large number of exhibits tracing the development of aviation, and complements the long-standing aviation air and space exhibition of the Deutsches Museum on the museum island in Munich. In Schleissheim, you can view about 55 planes and helicopters displayed on 6500 square metres of exhibition space alongside numerous hang gliders, aviation engines, flight simulators and much more. The Flugwerft museum also has an exhibition on the history of the Flugwerft and the airfield in Schleissheim.  The opening section outlines the history of the facility, spanning the two world wars and the Cold War, and continuing to the present day. The second section takes you on a tour of the exhibits. The third and final section contains photographs and detailed descriptions of the aircraft and booster rockets on display at the Flugwerft Schleissheim.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Air and Space
Air and Space Museum
2005 Deutsches Museum
192 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-940396-67-9
Bookstore price 7,00 €

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