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Advantages: no waiting in line at our ticket offices, participate in special tours and events, see behind the scenes and receive the Deutsches Museum magazine.

ALL Up to date

Führung durch die Sonderausstellung „Kosmos Kaffee“.

Guided Tours

As a member, you can take a non-ordinary look at our exhibitions with experts. Now every third Saturday of the month. In German only.

Members see more

Order Newsletter

Tip: Sign up for the monthly newsletter via e-mail at the member service, then you will stay up to date! Current dates delivered free to your e-mail box.

Members know more

Please use our change form!

If you have been a member before, you do not need to fill out a new application. Simply reactivate your (gift) membership via our change form. Please note the changed goodwill month: 1 December.

Apply online for new membership for private individuals

As a full paying member, one person can accompany you to the museum free of charge.

Individual Membership
Aerial view of the Museumsinsel with a red bow as symbol for the gift membership

A unique gift: museum membership

A special treat for friends or relatives!

Gift Membership
Two students look at a vintage car in the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum

Season Ticket instead of Discounted Membership

We no longer offer student memberships due to lack of demand. How about our new discounted annual ticket?

Student Membership
Programm Robotik in den Ausstellungen

School excursions to the Deutsches Museum

Schools can also join the Deutsches Museum family.

School Membership


  • Mitgliederservice

    Museumsinsel 1
    80538 München

    Telephone +49 89 2179-310
    Fax +49 89 2179-99310
    Email mitgliederinfo@deutsches-museum.de

    Phone hours: Monday and Thursday 9 am - 12 pm

More for Members

Current annual membership fees:

  • Private individuals  €102 
  • Schools €0.60 per calendar year and pupil (total number of pupils of the school)
  • Companies and institutions €512 (on request)

More Museum

  • Free admission to all five branches:

          Deutsches Museum
          Flugwerft Schleißheim
          Deutsches Museum Bonn
          Deutsches Museum Nürnberg

  • Free admission to selected events:

          Special MemberTours (in German only)
          Highlight Tours (in DM Nürnberg in German only)
          Talks "Wissenschaft für Jedermann" (in German only)
           Lokwelt Freilassing

More Time

No waiting at the ticket office – walk straight into the museum!

Members do not need an additional admisson ticket. You can enter the museum with your card spontaneously, without booking in advance.

More Knowledge

As a member, you will receive our special newsletter once a month. This contains the latest information on exhibitions, a selection of programme highlights and dates, museum news and information about membership.

All members also receive our museum magazine Kultur & Technik (in German only) four times a year free of charge. This includes articles on current research and technical achievements, as well as historical background information and current questions on the social consequences of research and technology.

More for your money!

A membership is especially worthwhile for families: you can visit the museum as often as you wish throughout the year and bring another adult along and two children or any of your own (grand-) children (up to 18 years) as well!

Special offer: when you sign up for membership for the forthcoming year befoee the end off the current year and pay the annual fee immediately, you receive free admission from 1 December onwards – giving you an extra month of membership for free!

The membership fee is not tax deductible, only donations beyond that.

Membership in more detail

The contribution year always corresponds to the calendar year!

Irrespective of the month in which your Deutsches Museum membership starts, the full annual membership fee is always due – we are not able to offer "pro rata" fees. Membership automatically runs for an unlimited number of calendar years (limitation possible for gift memberships). It can, however, be terminated in writing at any time, but no later than 31 October, to the end of the calendar year.

More Fun – Special tours for members only

As a member, you can join exclusive guided tours at all of our branches: gain unique insights into the exhibitions with experts.

Even though the museum is open, protection against Covid-19 infection remains a top priority. Therefore, the member tours can only take place in a limited form and will be supplemented with online formats - click here for the programme.

We are always open virtually! On our YouTube channel we have special playlists of our virtual tours for members, such as the M.Com-Kaffeepause or the M.Com-Feierabendführung.

Video-Log: the Fraunhofer Refractor

Not only for members - Videos on our YouTube channel

The Deutsches Museum presents its masterpieces. In the first episode of a series of V*Logs, Alexander Lucas explains why Fraunhofer's refractor is so special and how to calculate the invisible visible. Take a look – this video is dedicated to our members!